Buying Oil and Vinegar in Bulk

September 16, 2018 Off

While Bulk Barn and Papillon have a lot of the things that I need for our Reduce Our Waste lifestyle, it has proven more elusive to buy canola oil and vinegar in bulk.  I had to head to beautiful downtown Montreal   and “The Main” aka Boulevard St-Laurent to find a store that offered what…

By Sandra Maki

Adding Spice to my Reduce our Waste Life

September 9, 2018 Off

Did you know that most of the world’s mustard comes from Canada and that 80% of it is made in Saskatchewan?  Being Canadian, of course, we are sure not to brag about the quality of our mustard.  While the French and others have tried to grow mustard seed, our dry and sunny Prairie climate is…

By Sandra Maki

Reduce our Waste Vacation Travel to France

September 5, 2018 Off

Anyone who knows me knows that I love France and in particular, love Provence.  What’s not to love: the weather, the vines and beautiful countryside:   Unfortunately, in the past, France was not really there when it came to recycling and composting.  I am pleased to report that things are changing.  In March of 2018,…

By Sandra Maki

Reduce our Waste Business Travel

August 17, 2018 Off

Hello dear reader!  It has been a while since I have written, however, I have still been busy looking at ways that I can reduce my waste, even during a recent business trip.  I had the very good fortune to travel on business to the beautiful town of Vevey, Switzerland on Lake Geneva: But even…

By Sandra Maki

Weighing In on Waste

July 14, 2018 Off

As we have now reached the 6 month window of our year of zero waste, I wanted to know if we have further reduced our garbage.  Facing a weigh in of garbage, I am a little nervous.  I am not sure that we have made a significant improvement in our waste reduction recently.  It is…

By Sandra Maki

Sustainable Summer Style

July 11, 2018 Off

I have not been shopping for 6 months.  6 whole months.  Wow.  I never thought that I would be able to make it. While I am proud of that achievement, I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind going shopping to get something new and trendy.  But then I remember that my closets and cupboards are…

By Sandra Maki

Shopping to Reduce Our Waste

June 24, 2018 Off

People are often curious about how I shop zero waste.  It certainly is a big change from last year at this time.  The major difference is that I rarely go to the traditional grocery store.  When you look at today’s grocery store, you see packaging, packaging and more packaging!  Here is a high- level review…

By Sandra Maki