Sustainable Summer Style

Sustainable Summer Style

July 11, 2018 Off By Sandra Maki

I have not been shopping for 6 months.  6 whole months.  Wow.  I never thought that I would be able to make it. While I am proud of that achievement, I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind going shopping to get something new and trendy.  But then I remember that my closets and cupboards are still very, very full, even after the purge from my clothing swap and I really don’t need any more clothes.  However, fashion is a pleasure.  While I am no longer a slave to trends, I still want to look my best.  This got me thinking about timeless style.  There are some pieces of clothing that I have had for a very long time.  And yet, they remain relevant.  My style has not actually changed much in recent years and I tend to buy the same types of clothes.

Timeless and hence sustainable summer style means wearing clothes that are comfortable and stylish.  One of my go to items in summer is a pair of satiny champagne printed palazzo pants.  They are flowly and easy to wear and appropriate for all occasions.   For work, I like to wear them with a jacket:

They are equally lovely dressed up with a black satin jacket and black patent Oscar de la Renta heels.  Paired with my gold sequin clutch, I am ready for any cocktail or dinner:



Another favorite summer outfit that is a classic is white jeans and a striped white top:

Nothing says summer like white jeans.  Plus, they are great for cold, air-conditioned offices (like mine).  The off the shoulder top is a bit trendy (I bought it last summer) but these jeans can be paired with any striped shirt: white and blue sailor t-shirt, loose white striped shirt.   Everyone has one of these in their closets and they are truly timeless.

In 2004, I was waiting on the train station platform in Villefranche sur Mer on the Cote d’Azur.  I saw a woman wearing long fitted jean shorts, an off the shoulder eyelet lace top, red sandals and the requisite dark sunglasses.  She looked fabulous.  Simple, put together and perfect.  I came home determined to copy her outfit.   To me, this is another example of a timeless summer outfit:

While I don’t look as good as that woman I saw at the train station, this is another easy and practical outfit, perfect for hot summer days.  And timeless?  I think it is still relevant today.

Sustainable style means wearing the clothes that you already have, love and look good on you.  Being an outfit repeater is the best thing that you can do for the environment.  Plus, if it looks good on you and you feel fantastic, why wouldn’t you wear an outfit over and over?  Better to wear an ensemble that is flattering than be trendy (and perhaps ridiculous) in an outfit that does not suit your body type/personality/style.

Challenge for the week:  Dare to be an outfit repeater and show your own original. timeless style.  Do you have “go to outfit” that is your signature?   Wear it proudly and often!