How does your garden grow?
August 24, 2019 OffI started another garden this year. Last year was a learning experience for me and I was determined to improve and (pardon the pun) grow. Since cauliflower and broccoli were a disappointment, I decided to try two new vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers. To my surprise, my strawberry plants came back and I just let them…
Thanksgiving: Hug a Farmer
October 8, 2018 OffAs mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I started a small garden this year. I was quite pleased with the some of the successes and disappointed with the failures, although it taught me a lot about gardening. As it was a hot summer, I had to water the garden every day. I gave fertilizer…
Reflections after 6 months Zero Waste-ish Living
July 2, 2018 OffHappy Canada Day and 6 month Zero Waste Anniversary! We have made it to the half way point of our zero waste-ish experiment. For me, it has been a life changing yet enriching experience. Thank you to everyone who has given me positive feedback on this project and encouraged me to continue. While I routinely…
Starting a Garden
May 24, 2018 OffI have to admit something. I don’t exactly have a green thumb. Unlike my mother in law who has a gift with plants, anything green left me with me eventually turns brown or worse, dies. Whenever I went on vacation, I used to tell my plants that they were going to the spa (aka my…