Reduce Our Packaging: Buying in Bulk
Week 2 of our 52 week Zero Waste experiment. It is a very cold day (-23 C) but extremely clear and bright after more than 30 cm of new snow:
Fresh starts are the order of the day after so much snow! We are off with our first challenge in this process: to reduce the amount of packaging for the food that we buy. This means moving towards using reusable containers and buying in bulk. At the start of January, our food cupboards looked like this:
It is certainly not a zero waste cupboard with all that non-recyclable plastic and paper packaging. With the goal of “using what we have”, I did not want to get rid of everything that we had in there. Getting rid of things that can be used is wasteful and not a good zero waste practice in my mind. My plan is to slowly transition to reusable containers. After two weeks, some cupboard reorganization and our first trip to the bulk store with our reusable containers, our cupboard currently looks like this:
Quite a dramatic change I think! I am pleased with the results and we have gotten compliments at the bulk store about our containers. Most people still take the plastic bags offered for the bulk items.
We are also trying to buy our fruits and vegetables without packaging. We are buying our fruits and vegetables at SAMI FRUITS because they do not have many packaged goods. I can buy everything naked (just the way I like it)! While I do see the dreaded plastic bags everywhere, I am happy that I can just buy what I need “in bulk” without any additional packaging. My haul:
The things that I have noticed after two weeks into this “zero waste-ish” lifestyle are:
One: Not everyone is as motivated as we are to transition to a reduced packaging world as we are (and I am trying not to get discouraged about this)
Two: This lifestyle requires quite a lot of planning and organization. I have to have the containers I need with me at all times and I have to clearly know what I need to buy before I go to store. Going to the grocery store is not an option for purchasing non-packaged goods.
I understand why this lifestyle is not for everyone. It requires quite a bit of time, energy and planning. I’m not going to hide it: there have been some conflicts within our family on this topic. I am the most motivated to make changes, whereas the rest of our clan are moving forward with more trepidation. “I have school and need snacks that are easy to take with me!” say our children. Understood. This means that I (as the Mom) have to make snacks that are to easy to bring to “grab and go”. This is the challenge for next week: replace Cliff bars with homemade bars. I am all in on this. But Bea Johnson didn’t mention all the extra work associated with the zero waste lifestyle….
Recommendation for the Week: Look at ways of reducing the packaged food that you buy. Can you buy some items in bulk?